Welcome New Members
January 12, 2024

We want to welcome our eight new members!! In the past few months, Dakota Clouser joined as a Junior along with his dad, Steve Clouser, a past NBFD member. Also joining were Colin Reynolds, Nate Bragunier and Joe Brady.

At our January meeting, three new members were voted in. Former NBFD firefighter Foster Sheaffer is back on the roster, as well (juniors) Dillon Wheeler and Layton Sands.

We thank everyone for joining and rejoining!

The NBFD is always looking for new members . Young or old, there is a job for everyone. If you're interested, stop by the Station and pick up an application, or talk to a member if you have any questions.


Jr Firefighter 14 - 17 age group
Firefighter 18 years and over
Fire Police 18 years and over
Social 14 years and over - help with fundraising or with general duties around the Station