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New Sutphen Tanker Delivered To Station 8
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June 12, 2024

All good things must come to an end, and the time has come for our 1985 Mack/LTI tanker. NBFD was very fortunate to get 39 years of fire service out of our Mack tanker. Like everything else, old age starts coming with problems, parts get harder to find or take longer to get, rust starts eating the metal and fewer new drivers know how to drive a manual transmission.

So today we welcomed a new Sutphen tanker to NBFD and hope we get as many years out of this tanker as our last.

NBFD would like to thank the tanker committee for their time seeing this rig through from start to finish. They spent countless hours going to look at other tankers, visits to fire shows, and lots of meetings before a contract was signed with a vendor.
Once the contract was a go, they took numerous trips to Sutphen East to see and check the progress till the tanker was finished.

The tanker committee consisted of: Chief Keith Waltz, Dwanye Martin, Mitch Robb, Rick Burkholder, Ryan Nace, Pete Ellerman and Steve Gallagher.

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