The open house brought a lot of familiar faces and a lot of new ones too. Hundreds toured the station and many stayed for the dedication ceremony. NBFD thanks those who stopped in see the new firehouse.
We would like to thank everyone who has made a donation towards this station, and for supporting our events. Thanks also to the building and ways and means committees for your time that can't be measured, and anyone else who has helped in any way.
President Justin Kretzing
Fire Chief Keith Waltz
Representative Perry Stambaugh giving Justin and Keith a citation from the Pa House
Mark is a 1998 graduate of CLI, and made a replica of our old station which he donated to the fire co.
Setting up
Mark with all the stations he built.
NBFD Chaplain: George Martz
New Bloomfield Borough Council: Melissa Anderson
Centre Twp supervisors: Colin Reynolds, Rick Burkholder